Symptoms of the Graves Disease - Eye Problem

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Graves disease, otherwise known as the thyroid eye disease, is a rather unknown, but serious condition. In order to explain what the graves disease eye problem is you must first get familiar with the thyroid gland and what it does.There is more to your thyroid gland than what I will explain to you here, I just want to keep it simple so you can understand graves disease. Your thyroid gland is in your neck and produces two types of thyroid hormones.

These hormones are vital for your metabolism running properly and your growth. Graves disease comes into play when your thyroid doesn't produce enough or it produces too much of thyroid hormones your body needs. When your body doesn't produce enough of the hormones it is called hypothyroidism.

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When your thyroid doesn't produce enough of the thyroid hormones then you may:

* Feel depressed

* Feel Anxious

* Have a slower then usual heartbeat

Feel sluggish

What if Your Thyroid Produces Too Much of the Hormones? On the other end of the spectrum your thyroid can also produce too much of the thyroid hormones. This is known as hyperthyroidism. This type of graves disease occurs most often.There are also symptoms associated with hyperthyroidism.

Chronic Dry Eyes Or Red Eyes

Someone starting to suffer from this type of graves disease will experience:

* Hot flashes

* A faster then usual heartbeat

* Nervousness

How is This All Related To My Eyes?
Graves disease becomes a serious eye problem because of the painful symptoms it can cause. While the conditions and symptoms can vary in intensity, one of the most noticeable and the most common symptoms of the graves disease eye problem is the protrusion of your eye(s).

When your eye is protruded, your eyelid is pulled back and all the muscles and the tissues that are around the eye area swell up. This is what causes the pain and the eye problem. Is This Disease Treatable? Although the graves disease eye problem is a serious condition that can cause a lot of pain, stress, embarrassment, and suffering it is treatable.

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There are many ways to treat this condition. The most common methods are:

* Lubricants

* Steroids

* Eye surgery

* Radiation to the eye

The only downside to treating the graves disease eye problem is that it can take anywhere from six months to a year for the treatment to work. The exact amount of time needed to get rid of the problem depends upon the specific person and their case.

If you think you may have graves disease or would like more information talk to your local doctor. Good luck on your journey towards health and wellness! Brue M. Baker, is an expert on natural health and fitness who has helped people from across the world sky-rocket their health and well-being.
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Common Eye Diseases

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Eyes are our windows to see the entire world and are our prized possessions. Any thing wrong with the eye can blur or even distort our vision. The eyes suffer from a number of day to day concerns as well as some serious issues.

First things first, tiredness in eyes because of excess work load and improper sleep is the most common problem found today. People develop redness and itching in the eyes due to this. If this persists for long, there can be spotted vision where a person sees colored spots in looking something.

If there is lack of nutritious diet, hypermetropia and myopia are the two commonest eye diseases where the power of retina is reduced in forming the image at the right spot. Spectacles are required to correct these initially but surgery can be done for permanent removal.

Another common disease affecting the eye is squint where the eye balls are unable to direct towards the object simultaneously. Thus while talking; it seems that the person is looking elsewhere. Cataract is also another common eye disease occurred due to the formation of layer on the iris. Thus, the vision turns blurred resulting into complete vision of loss after sometime.

Presbyopia is an eye disease affecting older people normally where their eyes get weak due to old age and cannot see things clearly- whether far and near. Color blindness is a disease which, though not very common, yet a known eye disease where the person is unable to differentiate between colors.
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